Dear Cambodian Interpreter membership,
The United Nations Secretariat has announced its worldwide 2022ENGLISH competitive examination for language positions (CELP) for Translator/Précis-writers, Editors, Verbatim Reporters and Linguists, with a closing date of 30 October 2022.
***Please note that there aren’t separate exams for these four areas of specialization. Instead, it’s a single series of exams applicable to all candidates.

In the United Nations Secretariat, it is mandatory for candidates for regular staff posts of translators, précis-writers, editors and verbatim reporters — at all grades — to have passed the corresponding United Nations Secretariat competitive examination for language positions (CELP).
The competitions are held every three or four years to draw up rosters of language specialists qualified for recruitment. As a rule, depending on the language specialist’s experience, initial CELP recruitment is at grade P2 or P3.
Successful candidates may be assigned to the main United Nations Secretariat duty stations of Geneva, Nairobi, New York and Vienna, as well as the economic commissions in Addis Ababa, Bangkok, Beirut and Santiago serviced by the United Nations Secretariat.
Having passed one of the United Nations Secretariat CELPs is generally not a requirement for recruitment by specialized agencies of the United Nations system (the World Bank, IMF, WHO, ICAO, UPU, ITU, IMO, IFAD, UNESCO, etc.).
Nor is it generally a requirement for recruitment by courts and tribunals not serviced by the United Nations Secretariat (the ICJ, ICTY, ICC, ITLOS, etc.).
Those bodies organize their own examinations. Even so, someone who has passed one of the United Nations Secretariat CELPs may find it an asset when applying for vacancies in those other bodies.
All applicants must start the CELP process by creating a personal history profile using the United Nations Secretariat’s Inspira online application system.
Creating an Inspira profile takes a great deal of time, so a prospective applicant should begin preparing his or her profile as early as possible.
Key information access points:
• United Nations Secretariat CELP careers portal:
• United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database:
• Information on the United Nations Common System of Salaries, Allowances and Benefits, which applies to the United Nations Secretariat and most (though not all) other bodies of the United Nations system:
• Bodies making up the United Nations system:
For additonal information and FAQ’s click HERE.
For conact information click HERE.