Archives for Cambodian Translators

Who is a translator?

Translation-CambodianWho is a translator?

Different from interpreter (who is helping to transfer the intended messages from the speakers), a translator will help carry the meaning of phrases, words or complete meaning of the written documents or texts.

Our Premium Services

Our team of Professional Translators enable premium services which means they are professional and reliable. Our services shall guarantee satisfaction. Our translators are certified in specific directions for example, Thai into English or Cambodian into English only (not both directions). From technical documents to contracts, from software localization to business plans and product guides, this service will help people communicate in the most effective manner available.

For your information, we have listed a few of the fields of expertise that our translators have. Each area of business has an entire way of communicating and requires a deep understanding of the terminology and context; we do everything we can to help you get the best possible translation:
– Business & Finance
– Academics
– Legal
– Marketing and Public Relations
– Software Localization
– Technical Writing
– Immigration

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